Thursday, July 3, 2008

BIG LIST of invasive species sites

What we hope to provide here is a BIG LIST of invasive species websites. In particular, we hope that this is a place you can visit to locate "that site that you remember seeing, but can't remember how to find it."

Additionally, anyone (you!) can comment on the sites listed here regarding specific content on the site you've found particularly useful (or not useful!).

If you have a suggestion for a new link to add to this list, please let us know!

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Introduction to the HEAR blog

The Hawaiian Ecosystems at Risk project (HEAR) is a not-for-profit public service project, the mission of which is to provide technology, methods, and information to--and to facilitate communication among--decision-makers, resource managers, and the general public to help support effective science-based management of harmful non-native species in Hawaii and the Pacific.

This blog was created to allow quick posting of useful lists of information on various topics, and to facilitate public participation in adding to these lists and providing commentary on these lists. We've invited a number of trusted colleagues to help us create this blog, so it has the benefit of direct input from more than just "the usual suspects" at HEAR. Let us know if you would like to be a part of this effort!)

Do you know of a topic we should cover here? Have a comment on any of the sites listed here? Know of other links we should add? Please post a comment!

the (extended) HEAR website development team